change my life

Date de création, 01/01/2024
Namta The Word
0 € récolté
0 participants

A propos de cette cagnotte

hello dear people of the world I will be clear I am currently in a difficult situation I do not have enough to buy equipment to be able to work I only need a helping hand of 5000 so that I can provide services I will help you ask for 1 euro or dollars symbolic to 5000 person who could change my life I will be able to work and no longer stay off I swear to you that I am just trying to buy my equipment to work and that karma faces me suffering all my life here it is it's false thank you for your understanding it's the only thing I'm capable of doing despite my position to ask you for a little help... but I can't steal what doesn't belong to me or commit things struggling to get out

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