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Créée par Marion Emanuel

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A propos de cette cagnotte


We are Bastien and Marion a couple of travelers, who lives on a campervan since three years, we are in Europe now and want to go in Africa !

We sell small homemade items, as well as photos from our trip. The price is free, feel free to put what you want! If you would like more information, we are never far from the stand!

Thank you very much and have a nice day!

Marion and Bastien.

Ps : if you want to follow our adventures, we are on every social networks ! Our Name is voyageurs.dailleurs

Ici, vous pouvez apporter votre contribution à la cagnotte en cliquant sur "Je Participe" :
• Les participations sont libres
• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.

Merci à tous.


We are Bastien and Marion a couple of travelers, who lives on a campervan since three years, we are in Europe now and want to go in Africa !

We sell small homemade items, as well as photos from our trip. The price is free, feel free to put what you want! If you would like more information, we are never far from the stand!

Thank you very much and have a nice day!

Marion and Bastien.

Ps : if you want to follow our adventures, we are on every social networks ! Our Name is voyageurs.dailleurs

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Créée le 08-07-24

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