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Créée par Stephane Georges Aufschneider

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A propos de cette cagnotte

Hello everyone. I am French Chef Steff, 57 years old, expatriate with my wife Emmy, since 2007 in South Africa and in Zanzibar, (Tanzania) 2016. The goal of this new destination on the island of Zanzibar: the project to build a large “DHOW”, traditional wooden boat from this region of Africa and to make a restaurant; 45 feet, 30 seats, a 50m2 sail, assisted by 2 engines, equipped with a mini gas kitchen and assisted by solar panels for the bar fridges and a freezer. Having reached 70% of the project, in March 2022, “BOOM” I contracted Staphylococcus on my leg, which caused almost amputation. Stuck on the Island of Zanzibar and without insurance. I did all the treatments in Zanzibar,...18 months have just passed and of course without any activity. Finally I am operational again with my leg. I really need a helping hand to finalize this boat and find a professional activity again. The boat is sheltered on a beach on the east of the island, looking forward to its relaunch. This requires wood carpenters, mooring rope and licenses; 6 weeks are necessary. The “BOUNTY” boat will be anchored in a bay, customers will be able to get to the boat by small local boats, a buffet will be offered and drinks available. Part of the profits will be used to purchase school supplies, distributed to village schools, the other part will allow us to open a small fish farm, the famous "Tilapia", intended for sale in hotels, restaurants as fresh fish of the day. There, too, a percentage of the profit will be donated to supplie for an orphanage located in the north of the island: beds, mattresses, etc.

There you go, dear friends, of course, you are all welcome on this magnificent boat The “BOUNTY”. If any of you want to join us “in a professional capacity” in this great adventure, I have a business plan available. Sincerely yours, Chef Steff and Emmy. 

WE COUNT ON YOU and please forward this to as many of your friends, relatives etc….

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Merci à tous.

Hello everyone. I am French Chef Steff, 57 years old, expatriate with my wife Emmy, since 2007 in South Africa and in Zanzibar, (Tanzania) 2016. The goal of this new destination on the island of Zanzibar: the project to build a large “DHOW”, traditional wooden boat from this region of Africa and to make a restaurant; 45 feet, 30 seats, a 50m2 sail, assisted by 2 engines, equipped with a mini gas kitchen and assisted by solar panels for the bar fridges and a freezer. Having reached 70% of the project, in March 2022, “BOOM” I contracted Staphylococcus on my leg, which caused almost amputation. Stuck on the Island of Zanzibar and without insurance. I did all the treatments in Zanzibar,...18 months have just passed and of course without any activity. Finally I am operational again with my leg. I really need a helping hand to finalize this boat and find a professional activity again. The boat is sheltered on a beach on the east of the island, looking forward to its relaunch. This requires wood carpenters, mooring rope and licenses; 6 weeks are necessary. The “BOUNTY” boat will be anchored in a bay, customers will be able to get to the boat by small local boats, a buffet will be offered and drinks available. Part of the profits will be used to purchase school supplies, distributed to village schools, the other part will allow us to open a small fish farm, the famous "Tilapia", intended for sale in hotels, restaurants as fresh fish of the day. There, too, a percentage of the profit will be donated to supplie for an orphanage located in the north of the island: beds, mattresses, etc.

There you go, dear friends, of course, you are all welcome on this magnificent boat The “BOUNTY”. If any of you want to join us “in a professional capacity” in this great adventure, I have a business plan available. Sincerely yours, Chef Steff and Emmy. 

WE COUNT ON YOU and please forward this to as many of your friends, relatives etc….

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Créée le 07-11-23

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