Financer mes études, mon MASTER à l'étranger

Date de création, 05/10/2024
Bianca Jitaru
0 € récolté
0 participants

A propos de cette cagnotte


Hello everyone ! 

I am sorry for asking money, I am ashamed to do that but I need your help so i can at least pay my 2 years of Studies after i graduate Art college. It is my dream to study abroad and show my family that I am capable to achieve my dream which is studying in Asia for 2 years so I can get my Master.

This year, i did my best to find a job, but in a city with a lot of students like mine, it's impossible.. i already give 1 class per week but it only allow me to pay my reny entirely.. and i need more to put on my savings.

I've been saving for 1 year now by not buying too much and not eating outside, i could save 900€ but it is not enough and my savings are too slow due to the little amount of money that I earn.

Thank you for your kindness, i hope that I can achieve my dream. God bless you all🙏💗

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