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Lauren’s 40th
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En copiant le lien de la cagnotte https://www.onparticipe.fr/c/t6PgdPJG

Créée par Tomas Remen

255,00 € déjà collectés !

A propos de cette cagnotte

Hi everyone, seems like another legend is turning 40 this year. 

It’s Lauren’s bday on Sunday 18th of June.

And so she’d be surely super stoked to celebrate it with you all who can make it ;)

Weather dependent , it’d be preferably beach day at Bourdaines and then evening at the cabane.

We’d make a final plan closer to the day.

It’s hard to think a present for Lauren tbh…

She has ordered a retro fish surfboard form Chien ville ( she wanted for years) for herself as a present for her 40th.

I thought we could maybe help her out a bit with the cost of the board ;)

Or else does anyone know any way how to get her ticket to see Elton John at Glastonbury?


Anyhow, hope you all gonna make it to be there with her on the 18th.

Feel free to help me invite those I forgot or not friends with here on Messenger who she’d loved to see on the bday please.

Love you all


Ici, vous pouvez apporter votre contribution à la cagnotte en cliquant sur "Je Participe" :
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• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.

Merci à tous.

Hi everyone, seems like another legend is turning 40 this year. 

It’s Lauren’s bday on Sunday 18th of June.

And so she’d be surely super stoked to celebrate it with you all who can make it ;)

Weather dependent , it’d be preferably beach day at Bourdaines and then evening at the cabane.

We’d make a final plan closer to the day.

It’s hard to think a present for Lauren tbh…

She has ordered a retro fish surfboard form Chien ville ( she wanted for years) for herself as a present for her 40th.

I thought we could maybe help her out a bit with the cost of the board ;)

Or else does anyone know any way how to get her ticket to see Elton John at Glastonbury?


Anyhow, hope you all gonna make it to be there with her on the 18th.

Feel free to help me invite those I forgot or not friends with here on Messenger who she’d loved to see on the bday please.

Love you all


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Créée le 07-06-23

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10 participants






Bec and pete





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