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Help my mom
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Créée par christèle guinet

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A propos de cette cagnotte

hello, my name is anna i’m 16 years old and i need help. My mom keeps threatening that she’s going to kill herself she has so many debts we don’t even have hot water anymore. You live just together my dad abused my mom (rape, hit) and did the same to me he then killed himself when I was 7. I just want my mom to feel better and be happy i have no one left she’s my whole world. If you want to help I’ll be forever grateful.

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• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.

Merci à tous.

hello, my name is anna i’m 16 years old and i need help. My mom keeps threatening that she’s going to kill herself she has so many debts we don’t even have hot water anymore. You live just together my dad abused my mom (rape, hit) and did the same to me he then killed himself when I was 7. I just want my mom to feel better and be happy i have no one left she’s my whole world. If you want to help I’ll be forever grateful.

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Créée le 09-01-24

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