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Je participe
Départ Yvan le Vert
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Créée par Charles Billiard

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A propos de cette cagnotte

Whether you've worked with the man for the last month or for the last 9 1/2 years, we can all agree on his outstanding value as a man and as a leader.

To thank him for all he has brought to Flix and each of us personally, lets' thank him with a memorable gift.

Ici, vous pouvez apporter votre contribution à la cagnotte en cliquant sur "Je Participe" :
• Les participations sont libres
• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.

Merci à tous.

Whether you've worked with the man for the last month or for the last 9 1/2 years, we can all agree on his outstanding value as a man and as a leader.

To thank him for all he has brought to Flix and each of us personally, lets' thank him with a memorable gift.

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Créée le 27-08-24

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