Annabelle and Poppy's fundraising triathlon for the Little Princess Trust
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Créée par Sara MARTIN
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Poppy is in the process of growing her hair until it reaches the freckle on her stomach. Then she's going to get it cut back into her beloved bob and will donate the hair to the Little Princess Trust. She and her friend Annabelle, both age 10, will be, over the space of a couple of months, they will each be swimming 1.5km, cycling 40km and running 10km.
Poppy est en train de faire pousser ses cheveux jusqu’à ce qu’ils atteignent la tache de rousseur sur son ventre. Ensuite, elle va se faire couper et fera don des cheveux au Little Princess Trust. Elle et son amie Annabelle seront, en l’espace de quelques mois, chacune nager 1,5 km, faire 40 km à vélo et 10 km à courir.
The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.
The charity is also one of the largest funders of childhood cancer research in the UK.
The Little Princess Trust relies solely on the generosity of its wonderful supporters who help the charity give Hair and Hope to so many children and young people with cancer each year.
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• Les participations sont libres
• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.
Merci à tous.
Créée le 27-04-24
0 participants
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Contacter le créateur de la cagnotte
Poppy is in the process of growing her hair until it reaches the freckle on her stomach. Then she's going to get it cut back into her beloved bob and will donate the hair to the Little Princess Trust. She and her friend Annabelle, both age 10, will be, over the space of a couple of months, they will each be swimming 1.5km, cycling 40km and running 10km.
Poppy est en train de faire pousser ses cheveux jusqu’à ce qu’ils atteignent la tache de rousseur sur son ventre. Ensuite, elle va se faire couper et fera don des cheveux au Little Princess Trust. Elle et son amie Annabelle seront, en l’espace de quelques mois, chacune nager 1,5 km, faire 40 km à vélo et 10 km à courir.
The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.
The charity is also one of the largest funders of childhood cancer research in the UK.
The Little Princess Trust relies solely on the generosity of its wonderful supporters who help the charity give Hair and Hope to so many children and young people with cancer each year.
+ Frais d'encaissement pour l'organisateur : Gratuit
Nos frais sont uniquement à la charge du participant.
Ainsi l’organisateur profite de 100% des montants collectés.
Avec un taux de 5.0% (0.9€ de frais minimum),
OnParticipe est 20% moins cher que la moyenne des cagnottes en France !
Total : €
dont frais de €