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Je participe
250€ Help to find a place 🙏🏽
Paiement sécurisé

Je partage la cagnotte
sur les réseaux sociaux

Et avec mes proches

En copiant le lien de la cagnotte https://www.onparticipe.fr/c/VCXZ8TE3

Créée par Mahougnon Traoré

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A propos de cette cagnotte

Hello Everyone,

I am raising fund to help my sister find a place. As a foreign student with low income and nobody to lean on, it’s been a year now that my sister is moving places to places without nowhere to settle. She lately found a (co)rental/flatmates where her folder as been approved. The issue is she has a default of 250€ and nobody seem to be able to help (I myself can’t because I recently moved out and it costed me a lot)

so please Help US 🙏🏽

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• Les participations sont libres
• Le site est entièrement sĂ©curisĂ©.

Merci Ă  tous.

Hello Everyone,

I am raising fund to help my sister find a place. As a foreign student with low income and nobody to lean on, it’s been a year now that my sister is moving places to places without nowhere to settle. She lately found a (co)rental/flatmates where her folder as been approved. The issue is she has a default of 250€ and nobody seem to be able to help (I myself can’t because I recently moved out and it costed me a lot)

so please Help US 🙏🏽

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Créée le 14-08-24

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  • 32 Jours
  • 2 Heures
  • 10 Min
  • 16 Sec
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