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Help Hadeel and her family to rebuild their destroyed home.
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Créée par LAICHE Zineb

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A propos de cette cagnotte

Hello ,

My name is Hadeel our dad had gone a martyr in this hard war, we are 12 member in our family, 5 of them become orphans, also I have 1 brother died as a result of lack of medicine and malnutrition , after our dad we can't provide a little degree of saving life, we are without house and income, please help us to solve our catastrophy which has happened after my dad dead and we need a help to reconstruction of our destroyed home .

Yours Faithfully.

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Merci à tous.

Hello ,

My name is Hadeel our dad had gone a martyr in this hard war, we are 12 member in our family, 5 of them become orphans, also I have 1 brother died as a result of lack of medicine and malnutrition , after our dad we can't provide a little degree of saving life, we are without house and income, please help us to solve our catastrophy which has happened after my dad dead and we need a help to reconstruction of our destroyed home .

Yours Faithfully.

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Créée le 12-04-24

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