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A propos de cette cagnotte

MOULAKAMA means boxing.


We are an organisation that works towards building freedom of expression and movement for women in the world.


We see sport and movement as a tool for liberating the body and building healing, grounding and empowerment.


Therefore we are more than concerned by the GAZA WOMEN BOXING CLUB.


The gym burnt months ago.

Thanks to coach Osama Ayoub girls and women keep training in the refugees camps.

They now need gears to keep building strength and grounding. 

And one day they will rebuild their gym, and will be here to support, fund and help.




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• Le site est entièrement sécurisé.

Merci à tous.

MOULAKAMA means boxing.


We are an organisation that works towards building freedom of expression and movement for women in the world.


We see sport and movement as a tool for liberating the body and building healing, grounding and empowerment.


Therefore we are more than concerned by the GAZA WOMEN BOXING CLUB.


The gym burnt months ago.

Thanks to coach Osama Ayoub girls and women keep training in the refugees camps.

They now need gears to keep building strength and grounding. 

And one day they will rebuild their gym, and will be here to support, fund and help.




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Créée le 22-07-24

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