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Help me see the woman I love
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Créée par Quentin Gonzales

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A propos de cette cagnotte

Hello to all the people who are going to see this, I warn you, I am French, and I use a translator to help me. I would like to ask for help to be able to see my girlfriend who lives far from At home, I miss her deeply, and since I no longer see her, I am not doing well, I can't do well at school, I no longer socialize, I cry every day that I miss her... Please give if you want to give, no matter the amount, I will be infinitely grateful if you allow me to achieve this feat. It is our 6 months together and I have planned a beautiful gift for him with flowers, and I hope I can give her these flowers and her gift to show her all my love. Thank you

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Merci à tous.

Hello to all the people who are going to see this, I warn you, I am French, and I use a translator to help me. I would like to ask for help to be able to see my girlfriend who lives far from At home, I miss her deeply, and since I no longer see her, I am not doing well, I can't do well at school, I no longer socialize, I cry every day that I miss her... Please give if you want to give, no matter the amount, I will be infinitely grateful if you allow me to achieve this feat. It is our 6 months together and I have planned a beautiful gift for him with flowers, and I hope I can give her these flowers and her gift to show her all my love. Thank you

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Créée le 04-09-24

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